Sports Equipment of Toronto Ltd. was founded in 1956 by Ronald Wilson and Ray Dixon. Early year sponsorships were with the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Argonauts. Sports Equipment of Toronto Ltd. sold skates and sticks to Maple Leaf Gardens. Ron Wilson had a brief stint with the Maple Leafs in his youth before starting the business and won a Memorial Cup with the Oshawa Generals. His picture is in the Toronto Hall of Fame with his teammates from the Oshawa Generals. 



Ray Dixon retired in 1960 and sold his shares to his nephew Roy Thompson. He oversaw the administrative work and Ronald Wilson did the buying and selling. Ronald Wilson bought Roy Thompson out in 1979 and became the only owner. 



In 1980, Ronald’s son Wayne became the Vice President and took over the buying and selling. Next year, Wayne Wilson became the President of Sports Equipment of Toronto and moved the company to Markham in 1986. 



In 2020, Wayne Wilson is stepping down for a well-deserved retirement. Catsports, a Canadian importer and distributor of sports equipment, bought Sports Equipment of Toronto. The synergies between the two companies are obvious and the institutional clients will benefit from combining the know-how of the two companies, which have over 100 years of common experience. 

Sports Equipment of Toronto’s mission has always been and will always be to serve the educational community with an excellent customer service, a range of merchandise and competitive prices. 


Montreal, May 25, 2020 

Press Release - For Immediate Release

Catsports acquires Sports Equipment of Toronto Ltd. 

Catsports has completed the purchase of Sports Equipment of Toronto, further strengthening its position as a Canada-wide leader in the sale of sports and recreational equipment for the institutional market. Sports Equipment of Toronto will remain a separate company and continue to serve its customer base with the efficiency it's been known for, for nearly 65 years.  

Wayne Wilson, owner and CEO of Sports Equipment of Toronto is stepping down for a well-deserved retirement but will remain involved for the duration of the transition. "Sports Equipment of Toronto was founded by my late father Ronald Wilson in 1956. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve the institutional market for so many years and I am very proud to hand over the torch to two young entrepreneurs who will certainly be able to maintain the essence of the company while advancing it in an era where e-commerce and social media are a key part of marketing strategies." Wilson and his wife Patricia, SET office manager, would like to thank their customers for their business and support over the years. "It's been an amazing run serving so many loyal customers and outstanding suppliers," adds Wilson.

"Sports Equipment of Toronto represents a true institution in the Canadian sports equipment distribution landscape and we are honoured to have the opportunity to continue the tradition, " says Jean-François Giroux, co-owner of Catsports. 

Adds Félix Dion, co-owner of Catsports, "the synergies between the two companies are obvious and we are convinced that institutional clients will benefit from combining the know-how of our two companies, which have over 100 years of common experience."

About Sports Equipment of Toronto
Founded in 1956, Sports Equipment of Toronto is a pioneer in the distribution of sports equipment for the Canadian institutional market. Over the years, the company has built a relationship of trust with a diverse customer base including schools, municipalities, churches, YMCAs and governments.  Sports Equipment of Toronto's experienced team is recognized for its efficiency and for the quality of customer service provided.

About Catsports
Catsports is a Canadian importer and distributor of a wide range of sports and leisure equipment for the institutional market. The company distinguishes itself through the quality of its customer service and the efficiency of its operations, allowing it to offer competitive prices to its customers. In doing so, Catsports helps promote and make physical activity and healthy lifestyle habits more accessible.